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End User License Agreement (EULA) Summary

CRITICAL INFORMATION: Your act of downloading, installing, or utilizing this software (henceforth known as "Software") indicates your consent to be legally bound by this agreement's terms. Should you reject these conditions, you must not proceed to download, install, or engage with the Software and should remove it if it's already installed. This End User License Agreement ("Agreement") forms a legally enforceable agreement between you, the user, and Supernova App Development LLC, the exclusive owner of the Software. You are encouraged to read this Agreement carefully before proceeding with the installation and usage of the Software. Engaging with the Software demonstrates your acceptance of these terms.

Description of the Software

The Triple Ape VPN app is a proprietary software developed by Supernova App Development LLC

License Provisions

FREE LICENSE: The Triple Ape VPN app endows you with a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, finite, and enduring license to download, set up, and employ the Software for your personal, non-profit use, strictly in line with the stipulations of this Agreement. PAID LICENSE: Following the payment of applicable charges and continuous adherence to this Agreement, you are endowed with a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, finite, and enduring authorization to utilize the Software, strictly as per this Agreement's terms. UNAUTHORIZED USE: You pledge to make reasonable efforts to forestall any unauthorized exploitation or revelation of the Software, employing at least the same degree of caution as with your confidential data, but in no instance less than a prudent level of care.


The Software is the intellectual asset of Supernova App Development LLC, safeguarded by copyright statutes, international accords, and additional legal provisions in the user's country. The Software's structure, organization, and coding are deemed confidential and proprietary information of Supernova App Development LLC Any insights or suggestions you offer regarding the Software might be utilized by Supernova App Development LLC in their existing or future offerings without necessitating compensation or your consent. This Agreement does not bestow upon you any rights in the Software's intellectual property, which remain exclusively with Supernova App Development LLC

Restrictions on Use

The Services must not be deployed in a manner that could damage our servers or impede other users' enjoyment. Unauthorized access to the Services is strictly forbidden. We reserve the right to employ both legal and technical remedies to uphold this Agreement. You commit to using the Software in accordance with all relevant legal standards, including those governing intellectual property.

Warranty Limitations

The Triple Ape VPN app cannot ensure the Software will fulfill all your expectations or that its functioning will be ceaseless or devoid of errors. This warranty does not encompass: Software modified or tampered with by you or third parties without authorization. Software operated contrarily to the stipulations of this Agreement. Disruptions attributable to other software or hardware components. Beyond these specifications, the Triple Ape VPN app delivers the Software "AS IS," devoid of any implied or explicit guarantees.

Liability Cap

Neither we nor any associated entities bear responsibility for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, including but not limited to data or profit losses, stemming from the Service usage, even if pre-advised of the possibility of such damages. Our aggregate liability shall not exceed thirty dollars ($50.00). Third-Party Software Software that comes with third-party programs adheres to their distinct licenses, possibly encompassing open source or free software licenses. This Agreement does not supersede or extend any rights beyond those specified in any third-party software agreements. Legal Governing and Jurisdiction This Agreement is regulated by the laws of the Georgia, excluding its conflict of laws principles. You agree to the jurisdiction of Georgian courts.

Comprehensive Agreement

This document represents the full and exclusive agreement between the involved parties, overtaking all previous arrangements, communications, and understandings concerning this subject. For any queries, reach out to Utilizing the Services indicates agreement with Supernova App Development LLC Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.