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Privacy Policy

This document is a declaration of our dedication to safeguarding your privacy and responsibly managing your data during your use of the Triple Ape VPN app. We encourage you to thoroughly review this policy to grasp our approach to your personal information.

Consenting to Privacy Terms

By utilizing the Triple Ape VPN application you acknowledge your understanding of consent to and acceptance of the terms presented in this Privacy Policy. Should you find any term unacceptable, you are advised against using the Triple Ape VPN application.

Opting Out and Data Storage

You may opt out of our communications or adjust your cookie preferences via your web browser at any time. We hold on to personal information only as long as needed, which could be up to 2 years following your last interaction with the app. For a comprehensive enumeration of your data, feel free to reach out to us. We ensure a response within 30 days in alignment with GDPR mandates. We do not gather biometric information.

Collected Information

Signing up is optional. Should you choose to register, your email is required for sending service updates or for assistance and is essential for password resets and VPN connection setup. Payment details are managed by our partners. It is your responsibility to supply accurate and complete information, and you must have the authorization to provide such information. Accounts with false details may be suspended or terminated. Triple Ape VPN processes limited technical data which might include server capacity information to suggest the best servers.

Rights Concerning Your Data

You are entitled to inquire about your data, seek corrections, oppose certain data uses, receive your data copy, ask for your data to be transferred, or request deletion of your data. We adhere to GDPR, CCPA, and other applicable laws. We do not keep records of browsing activity or traffic, making it challenging to associate VPN IP addresses with specific individuals. In legal scenarios, we will hand over the minimal data we process. You can withdraw your consent or stop using our service at any point by getting in touch with

Targeted Ads

We may work with third-party entities that employ cookies and pixel tags for gathering data for tailored advertising. Such ads might show up on our and other entities' websites and apps. To learn more about these methods and how to opt out, visit the National Advertising Initiative's site. Opting out does not mean you won't see ads, but they will be less tailored. We do not take responsibility for third-party cookie usage and advise careful sharing of personal information on external platforms. Our ad partner is Admob (Privacy Policy: Admob Privacy Policy).

Commitment to Data Security

The security of our customers' information is a top priority. We collect only the necessary data for delivering and improving our services. All terms mentioned in this Privacy Policy are further explained in our Terms of Use. By accessing, installing, or using the Triple Ape VPN app, and by providing us with your personal data, you consent to this Privacy Policy and agree to a legal contract with Supernova App Development LLC, also known as “Triple Ape VPN,” “we,” or “us.” The entity responsible for managing your personal data is Supernova App Development LLC (email: If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Triple Ape VPN app. For any privacy concerns or questions, contact us at

Rationale for Data Processing

Our processing of your data aims to provide the highest quality service, as outlined in our Service Terms. Your email may be used for direct marketing, with your consent or as legally allowed. Data sharing with third parties is detailed in this document.

Details on Data Handling

The Triple Ape VPN app limits its data processing to essentials for service delivery, payment facilitation, and the functioning of our website and apps. Both automated and manual data handling occurs, with Triple Ape VPN or its affiliates acting as the data controllers. Payment processing, email marketing, and basic analytics involve third-party services. Our firm no-logs policy ensures your activities via the Triple Ape VPN app are private and unrecorded.

Usage by Minors

Individuals below 18 are discouraged from using the Triple Ape VPN app or submitting personal information without adult oversight. We presume all our users and data suppliers are 18 or older. Upon identifying users under 18, their access will be promptly revoked.

Changes to the Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at our discretion. Users are urged to review the updated policy regularly. Amendments become effective once posted. Your rights under this policy are non-transferrable. For privacy rights enforcement or queries, contact us at