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Terms and Use

When engaging with the Triple Ape VPN application, you are subject to these Terms and Conditions. By accessing and using our services, you unequivocally agree to these provisions without any reservations and commit to following them. Before beginning your use of our services, it's crucial to carefully examine these terms.

Acceptance of Terms

Your use or access of any portion of this website, the application, its contents, or associated services constitutes your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions. Should you find any part of these terms unacceptable, you are advised against utilizing the application. The Application The Triple Ape VPN application offers an expansive Virtual Private Network (VPN) service that can be installed across your devices. It allows for the rerouting of your internet traffic through various global locations, thus presenting your internet footprint as emanating from those locales. Service Usage

Restrictions on Use

Our services are not intended for those under the age of 18 or individuals who lack ownership or authorization to use the device where the software is installed. We retain the prerogative to alter any section of this Agreement at will, including service features availability. Your continued service use after modifications signifies your absolute and irreversible consent to these changes. Disagreement with revised terms necessitates discontinuation of service use.

License Grant

You are granted a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferrable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, revocable, and limited license to employ the services and install the software on your personal device solely for non-commercial reasons. Utilizing the services or software for commercial purposes constitutes a violation of this Agreement. A distinct agreement is required for commercial usage; contact for more details. The software is provided under license, not sold. Actions such as copying, modifying, distributing, selling, leasing, exporting, sublicensing, or transferring the software or services; conducting reverse engineering or creating derivative works; removing copyright notices; interfering with the services; engaging in illegal activities through the services; or breaching applicable legislation will immediately revoke your license.

Forbidden Activities

Users of the Triple Ape VPN application must not: Commit criminal acts including identity theft or fraud. Propagate malicious software like viruses or malware. Illegally distribute copyrighted content. Harass or menace others. Conduct DDoS attacks or infiltrate other networks. Dispatch unsolicited emails or spam. Share child exploitation material. Attack our servers. Participate in phishing or terrorism-related endeavors. Make payments with unauthorized credit cards. Intellectual Property Rights The Triple Ape VPN application offers several service tiers: A free version with VPN and ad-blocking capabilities, limited server access, and standard data transfer speeds. A trial period granting full VPN and ad-blocking features, transitioning automatically into a paid subscription for comprehensive server access and top data transfer speeds. A paid version for immediate, unrestricted service access. Service access following rewarded video viewing. Features access in exchange for ad viewing. Additional usage modes and options. Privacy Assurance Your privacy is a priority for us. Consult our Privacy Policy for insight into our data management practices. Our standard service format is provided at no cost.

Ownership and Intellectual Property

The software, website, and all features, including updates and changes, are our or our licensors' property, safeguarded by intellectual property rights. You acknowledge that all ownership rights remain with us or our licensors. This Agreement confers no rights beyond a limited license for software and service use. The Triple Ape VPN app trademarks are not licensed under this Agreement.

Updates and Upgrades

Software updates or upgrades will be applied automatically, encompassing bug fixes, new features, or changes in functionality, all under this Agreement unless specified otherwise.

Third-Party Links and Content

Our services may feature links to third-party sites and content, which we neither endorse nor are responsible for. Access these at your own discretion and review their terms and privacy policies.

Disclaimers and Liability Limitation

The software and services are provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind. We disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, and shall not be liable for any issues stemming from your service use.


You agree to indemnify us against any claims arising from your use of the website or services, your breach of this Agreement, or your infringement of others' rights.

Service Termination

This Agreement remains effective until terminated by either you or us. Non-compliance will lead to license termination. We may also limit or terminate your access as we deem necessary.

Lawful Use and Export

You are obligated to use the software in accordance with all relevant laws and not to export it contrary to such regulations. For inquiries, reach out to us at Copyright 2024 by Supernova App Development LLC Utilizing our services signifies your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Notice.